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ModuSOL – Development of digital module-based self-oriented teaching and learning arrangements for disadvantaged target groups”


This is the official website of the Erasmus+ project ModuSOL.

The changes in society as well as in the industry are accompanied by new requirements in teaching and learning.

Especially in the traditional professions (such as handicraft) the number of trainees with learning disadvantages is growing. The level of education of the trainees has declined for about 10 years; furthermore, the majority of today's trainees are young people who come from educationally disadvantaged family structures. About half of the current trainees in the construction industry in Berlin have an immigration background. Current changes suggest that this rate will increase in the coming years. The existing education processes therefore meets no longer the new requirements and demands of the vocational training of the youth in Europe.

Therefore, effective educational strategies, concepts and innovative learning approaches, which are more target-group-oriented and up-to-date are required for a more efficient integration and inclusion of these groups of learners. This will also promote securing skilled personnel demand on a regional, national and international level as well as the national and European economy.

Innovative learning processes increase the motivation of the trainees and minimize the terminating rate of trainings, which is around 40% in many sectors and is one of the major problem areas of securing skilled personnel.

The learning contents conveyed in the former practice through teaching briefings are often not successful in reaching the cognitive understanding of especially educationally disadvantaged trainees. 

Trainers are therefore regularly faced with the challenge of implementing alternative approaches to the teaching of knowledge and competencies in the teaching briefings.

The project partnership responds precisely to these challenges with this project to integrate more intensively digitalization into vocational education. A digital module-based self-organized learning in the sense of "e-learning 2.0", which is developed jointly by teachers and learners, will make learning disadvantaged target groups participate more and more in vocational education and training equally.

This forms the basis for the increased development of self-directing competence by self-responsible design of the learning phases, the increase of communication and team competence by group work of trainees with trainers together as well as the increase of the media competence by the producing and realization of digital contents.

Such teaching and learning arrangements lead to changes in the role of the trainer as a learning companion and facilitator, thus expanding the competencies of the teachers.

Teachers and learners form the direct target group of the project in their joint work and interaction.

The indirect target includes trainers in the companies and teachers of the (vocational-)schools (within the framework of the vocational orientation) which will participate in the project results as they can use the project products as well. The developed digital contents give a new insight into real learning situations and provide a more realistic picture of the professions, which gives the vocational orientation of young people an additional authentic information basis.

Teaching and learning methods as well as training systems in the partner countries are different, but all are facing similar challenges. The comparison of different initial situations of the partner countries and the exchange of methods and experiences in the implementation of digital module-supported self-organized learning methods for educationally disadvantaged target groups, with a special focus on vocational education and training, guarantees the successful implementation of the project.

Through their complementary experiences and approaches, the partners ensure an efficient implementation of the project objectives.

The various phases of the project (starting, preparation, planning, realization and evaluation phase) are accompanied and consolidated by clearly structured methods: regular online-questionnaires, self-evaluations, regular project reflection, control of the quality and completeness of the documents, optimized scheduling (e.g. via doodle), milestone plan of the project tasks, project meetings to minimize the risks (risk assessment), quarterly reports for the assessment and evaluation of the finances, compliance with the financial controlling, strategic plans, optimized planning of the meetings and transnational learning activities.

Through the use of the results and intellectual outputs beyond the duration of the project, the transnational co-operation will established and invigorated effectively.

The partners of the project are:

Decroly, Spanien

Institut INPRO; Tschechische Republik

Dundee & Angus College, Schottland, Vereinigtes Königreich

RegioVision GmbH Schwerin, Bundesrepublik Deutschland


For more products, news, activities visit our facebook-fanpage and/or our YouTube-Channel.

Download (for free) the eBook produced by the partnership of ModuSOL.




The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Projektlaufzeit: 01.10.2017 – 30.09.2019

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